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Hello I could not find an email so I am posting this here

Hi! Sorry, I forgot to add the email to the English page. Unfortunately, that screen does not tell much without any content. Can you tell me:

Which version did you play?

Looks like it comes from an emulator, which one?

Where were you in the game and what did you do before it appeared?

I was playing the most recent version of the game in my browser (Firefox). I was in the gambling club getting hit by flying bottles and it happened when I lost my last life

Ok, thank you! I got a similar report a few weeks ago but have not been able to reproduce it myself. I took some measures to reduce the risk of it happening but apparently that was not enough. I have one more idea to simplify the script in that area. But without a proper test case I cannot verify.

Do you remember any other details surroundung this? Like, how much health did you have? What had you done before? Were there more bottles than usual being thrown around?

The guard is too fast for me to get onto the ferry. Is there any other way to make him leave for longer? I can only make him leave periodically by standing next to the bathrooms.

You should be able to sneak in if you are really quick.

Hello, what am I supposed to do after I throwed the gun in the water ?


Nice to hear that you played through the game! I would consider it pretty much done but if you are the completist kind I guess you could keep collecting cigarettes and place bugs. Or just stroll around in the city.

Hello Per.  In the briefcase showing the evidence (bullets, eyewitnesses) the word eyewitnesses has been spelled as two words.  In English it is but one.  Not a big deal.  Keep up the good work!


Thank you for pointing it out! I know I considered both spellings briefly and might have chosen to go with two words as an attempt to have a bit of an outdated flair. But I realize now that is way too outdated. I will change it, this kind of errors are exactly why I still consider the game being in early access so please keep reporting.


Versionen som går att ladda ned här är den svenska, inte den engelska. Gissar att det är ett misstag.

Oj, tack för att du påpekade det! Har fixat nu.