
This is a major milestone as the game is now feature-complete. Bug testing will intensify from now on, though I already have some known issues in the backlog waiting to be fixed.


  • A postcard micro-game at the post office. The player can choose from four postcard motifs which each has a set of texts that get printed. These texts reference real letters from the Palme investigation.
  • A news headline micro-game at the news office. The player choose words from a word list which gets inserted into random headline templates.


  • The identikit micro game has got new graphics and a redesigned implementation, to make it snappier. The new graphics are all based on real identikits from the Palme investigation.


English Language Version (0.5.2) 512 kB
58 days ago
Swedish Language Version (0.5.2) 512 kB
58 days ago
Lösningen (A solution) 191 kB
58 days ago

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